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Graduation and Leaving School Procedure

Institute of International Business

Graduation and Leaving School Procedure

1.    First go to the NCKU Portal to check whether the exam results are fully logged in and confirm that the results are correct.

2.   Please log in to the Online Application System for Graduation from NCKU with your student number and password (the same as the NCKU Portal), and fill out the "Graduate Survey" and the " Questionnaire on the Core Abilities for Graduates ". Then print out the “Graduation Checklist” and complete the relevant verification procedures.

3.   Complete the "Graduating Student Survey (Institute of International Business)".

4.   For matters related to thesis binding, please refer to Academic Affairs Office - Course Affairs Team - "Degree Examination" - "National Cheng Kung University Guidelines on Writing Dissertations for PhD and Master’s Students"

5.   Connect to the "NCKU Ph.D. and Master's Thesis System" and upload the Thesis and the Similarity Report to complete the Library verification procedure. The similarity test must be performed on the version of the thesis validated by the Advisor after the defense, and follow the procedure of the "Turnitin Thesis Originality Comparison System".

6.    If the student needs to delay the thesis’ publication, please complete and sign the Library’s “Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation” form, and the “National Cheng Kung University, Institute of International Business Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation” form.

7.  Notice about the leaving school procedure at the IB Office :

     Master’s and Ph.D. graduates need to prepare and bring the following documents when coming to the IB Office to perform the leaving school procedure. They also make sure that the questionnaires from the above steps 2 to 6 and the materials to be uploaded have been completed:

a.  Graduation Procedure Form

b.  One hard copy paperback of the thesis (Paperback for master's class / hardcover for doctoral class)

c.  Library’s “Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation” form  (NOT necessary)

d.National Cheng Kung University, Institute of International Business Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation” form (NOT necessary)

e.  Clean the lab

f.   Return the lab key

8.    Notice about the leaving school procedure at the Library:

      Master’s and Ph.D. graduates need to prepare the following documents and go to the Library’s 1st floor counter:

a.  Graduation Procedure Form

b.  Student ID Card

c.  One hard copy paperback of the thesis (Paperback for master's class / hardcover for doctoral class)

d. Three Copyright License Agreements in total: “NCKU Print Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement”, “NCKU Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement”, and “Authorization for Public Access of Thesis/Dissertation” (with both you and your advisor’s handwritten signature)