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【Announcement】2023 Dual Degree QA Session: Sheffield University Management School

Mr. Asif Naeem is the international student recruitment manager of Sheffield University Business School. Welcome to join our QA session because Mr. Naeem will come to our college in person. You may ask any questions about the dual degree program and life in Sheffield.

Date: 2023/01/10 (Tue.)
Location: Meeting Room 62305
Time:10:00-12:00 (Each student's consultation is estimated to last 15 minutes. A separate notice will be sent one week before the meeting to confirm the time slot. Please attend on time.)
Register Link:https://bit.ly/SheffieldQnA
before 2023/01/03 (Wed.) 12:00

Contact: Ms. Joanne em53010@email.ncku.edu.tw #53006-28


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